We want to be held accountable for our sustainability efforts. This is why we are happy and proud to be under constant evaluation byVERIFY Agencyof Sweden (just the other month, we were re-verified for ISO 26000!), publicly track our CO2 emissions viaCarbonCloud, and release an annual impact report. Some of the highlights from 2023’s report: LOWERED PRODUCT FOOTPRINT Reduced our average product climate footprint by 8.8% by using 88% plant-based packaging materials. INCREASED DISTRIBUTION EFFICIENCY Relocated our UK distribution centre and established a joint hub in Poland to improve efficiency and reduce transport distances. BECAME THE FIRST FOOD COMPANY WITH ISO 26000 VERIFICATION Verified as the first food company in the world to achieve ISO 26000 status for sustainable and socially responsible business practices. Last but not least, choosing Sproud over cow’s milk means an 80% lower climate footprint. In avoided emissions, our 2023 production is equivalent to 2,886 ton CO2e avoided. Read the full report here